Friday, April 1, 2011

Stupid people

One annoying thing about my job as a technical writer (editor, really) deep in the weeds of a regulatory agency is that so much of what I do should be unnecessary. I mean, I spend a good fraction of my time on style and formatting things that absolutely need to be done, and/or save more time in the long run, but would save a great deal more time if people had done it this way in the first place. Really simple things, like "do not let Word autoformat numbered lists" and "make tables by using the 'Insert Table' tool, not by hitting tab repeatedly". If the engineers and lawyers who work here got a handout about house style when they started working here and an hour's refresher course every six months or so, this place could fire half the people in my position. (I mean, not that I WANT that of course, I like having a job and having an easy one is a bonus, but it would be nice to not spend so much time on stuff that would just plain make more sense for other people to do.)

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