Thursday, July 21, 2011

Positive thinking

I do a lot of complaining here. That's partly due to my personality, and it's partly because that's what the blog is for, and it's partly because this job is by its nature boring, so the interesting things are the problems. However, this job isn't all bad. As I have said, I do enjoy certain aspects of the work itself. Another nice thing about it is the people. I have my complaints (here, for example) but the worst interpersonal conduct I encounter here at all regularly is aimiable incompetence. Not malice or backstabbing or insanity or petty office politics like I hear about from friends or in customer service or like at my previous job (and even there, 90 percent of the problems weren't within the office), just people not thinking things through. People get along. Other tech writers share my cynicism. Our bosses understand the problems we deal with. Comparing one type of work environment to another is apples to oranges, and I know some of my co-workers, like H., have more difficulties in their niches than I do in mine, but still, I'd say that one of the best things about this place is the people.

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